Playlist II

A week ahead of our first release, we’re re-sharing this post which originally appeared on Medium. Sign up to our newsletter to follow our journey and get stories that aren’t published elsewhere.

Our new project is all about unlearning music making. As we experiment with new mental models and creative modes to build something interesting, music discovery is part of the reward of the experience. It’s also a helpful way of sharing our evolving artistic framework.

Here’s the latest playlist

#posthardcore #newprog #postmetal #alternativerock

10 tracks and a one-line comment. Listen on Apple MusicSpotify.

  1. “Illuminant,” Quicksand: This track out-boxes with deft, counter-punching riffs

  2. “Fra dypet under stenen,” Spurv: A new hope for the post-rock genre

  3. “Wax Simulacra,” The Mars Volta: The off-beat pelting of a bar brawl that spills onto the street

  4. “Mess of Wires,” METZ: Mechanistic like an automated car factory

  5. “Your Skull is Red,” Team Sleep: “Dream rock” to listen to aboard a Boeing 787–9 Dreamliner

  6. “Thru the Eyes of Ruby,” Smashing Pumpkins: The effortless, undulating experience of Jimmy Chamberlin riding a spectrum of melancholy

  7. “Decks Dark,” Radiohead: 💔 at 1:22

  8. “The Doomed,” A Perfect Circle: An exposition of nuanced details — the overhead mics on the drums at the opening, the bass at 2:29

  9. “The Coma Machine,” Between the Buried and Me: Compelling metal melodrama

  10. “Fire & Ember,” Trautonist: Oversimplified genre classification on streamlining platforms belies the interesting tonal blend of indie, post-rock and metal

We hope you discovered something you like. If you haven’t already, check out the last playlist.